Food is so much more than fuel.

Reach Your Goals.

Registered dietitian nutritionist focused on helping you reach your unique nutrition goals.

Food is the fuel we put into our bodies necessary for health and function, but it is also so much more. Food is deeply ingrained into our lives and cultures. It is meant to be enjoyed, shared among family or friends, or even prepared as an art. How then do we eat to support our health and meet our nutrition and performance-related goals while also enjoying the process? That’s where I come in! Nutrition does not work in a one-size-fits-all approach. Every body is unique in composition, physiology, and nutritional needs. (One of the many reasons that diets don’t work!) I’m here to provide personalized nutrition coaching to support optimum health and wellness and to support you in crushing your nutrition goals! Whether it’s improved athletic performance, weight loss or gain, increased muscle mass, or targeted nutrition related to a medical condition, I’m here to support you as you climb your literal or figurative mountain!


Hello! I’m Emily, a registered dietitian nutritionist, and I’m so happy you’re here! Balanced nutrition is so important to overall health and wellbeing but so is a healthy relationship with food! Nowadays, we are flooded with conflicting nutrition information and fad diets from every angle, whether it be social media or Sheila’s sister’s cousin’s neighbor (we all know those people!) making nutrition seem confusing and overwhelming! It doesn’t have to be. As a dietitian with almost a decade of nutrition education and experience, I’m here to help you sort through the noise and make nutrition simple, enjoyable and fun, and most importantly, unique to your specific needs and goals.

Oh, and that guy in the photos, that’s my husband Alec, a physical therapist assistant & exercise physiologist who joins me on my adventures and helps with the movement side of things!


  • Backcountry & Sports Nutrition

  • Nutrition Education

  • Nutrition for Health & Wellbeing

  • Nutrition for Healthy Aging & Disease Prevention

  • Non-Diet Approach

  • Intuitive & Mindful Eating

  • Digestive Health

  • Integrative & Functional Nutrition

  • And more…